Focus Like Monk in 60 Seconds

What Makes your Success Easy

Focus Like Monk in 60 Seconds…

Digital Distractions are the biggest blockers to your success.

How many times, has it happened, you tried to open a link in WhatsApp, you were distracted with messages, statuses, etc.,

We are living in a world of distractions.

Those who are focused will have an unfair advantage.

Focus is like music in the noisy world. Imagine a big noise from all sides of the world, how can you listen the music from ONLY one source?

This much harder to be focused on nowadays.

Don’t worry..

I’m excited to introduce the “Focus Like Monk” framework that helped me focus 8+ Hours per day without touching my smartphone even I’m building my brand online.

Not only that, 100+ of my community students got amazing improvements with this focus framework.

I spent literally 30-40 iterations to simplify the focus framework to 3 steps.

Do you remember, in your school days, your mom and dad told you “Focused on your studies/life” Nobody will tell you how!!!

I have taken that responsibility to make our country focused.

Here is the simplified version of the Focus Like Monk Framework

  1. Take a Definite work: I finish ____ in ___ minutes

  2. Remove Distractions

    1. Digital: Mute them

    2. Mental: Write them

    3. People: Tell them or Ignore them

Focused until __ minutes then self-reward with distractions.

Here is the Example:

Here is the another example:

Never underestimate the simplicity of this framework.

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~ Ramesh Yadav.


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