You don't need to Wake Up at 5 am to be successful

Simple Scientific Reasons

35% of Indians are Non Morning People...

I tried many times wake up early, failed. After a lot of failed attempts, I got the pulse of Wake Up at 5 am.

After 100 Days of consistently wake up, I got this doubt, "why should I wake up early?"

To Focus,

To Exercise,

To Train my Mind..

It's just a common phenomena - Morning People are successful. Actually, they are.

It's not because they are waking up early but they did massive action in their career.

Based on your personality, you might be very active at afternoons, evenings or late nights.

Test and figure out...

Some people are early risers as they are very energetic at mornings.

If you had a lot of struggle to wake up at 5 am, don't wake up.

Find the 3-hour block where you're most energetic!!!

Work at nights.. 9pm to 12 am - BEST FOCUS BLOCK to work

Sleep by 1 am and wake up by 8 am

Exercise, Mindset routines can be done by evening.

After I tested this experiment on myself, I found - I'm a Night Owl. I love to work at nights.

Don't waste time on fixing your daily habits, FOCUS ON WORK AND CREATING VALUE in your career, Habits will adapt itself.

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